I thought that this would be an appropriate time for an introduction to my life and why I have created this blog. Many people have this as their first post on their blog but as you can see from the disclaimer, I am not the perfect person and will not try to be for the sake of an online presence.
So here goes nothing,
My name is Kristyn and my fiance's name is Peter. We currently reside in VA and are both going to graduate school to get our master's degrees. I am studying human genetics and will hopefully be graduating in May. My thesis project surrounds genes and molecular pathways involved in alcohol abuse and to study this I am using fruit flies. Yes fruit flies, this surprises and sometimes grosses people out but they are an amazingly useful tool in human genetics research. I can tell you more if you are interested but for now I will leave it at that.
Peter and me at my last graduation for my B.S.
I got into quilting when I was about 14 years old. Since then I have grown and become more experienced (through tons of mistakes of course, thus the name of the blog). To date I have completed 2 lap size quilts, a baby quilt and a couple of small wall hangings.
My first quilt I finished in 2009
My second quilt I finished this past fall.
Up close and personal
I have started this blog for two reasons I suppose, one to share and get ideas and two to document my progress. So far in the past month that I have had this blog I have seen an improvement in my progress. I will often get stuck or upset with something that I'm working on and walk away from my sewing machine for 6 months at a time which is probably why I only have two quilts done. Now that I want to share I feel more inclined to get back into it. I have almost slipped back into it recently and part of that is classes starting and the rush to finish my thesis work but this weekend I have picked up the Eclipse quilt again and hope to finish it soon.The name of my blog stems from two places. One is I make a lot of mistakes when I'm quilting either from inexperience or from just moving through the motions to quickly. The second is that my cat's name is Goofy and well he's adorable.

That's all for now, don't want to overwhelm. Hope this gives you context for future posts in this blog and a little insight to the person on the other side of the screen :)
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