The first things I made were these drawstring bags inspired by this tutorial. The blue and the purple and green star burst bags were for the girls I work with in the lab. The candy cane bag was for my PI. All the bags had candy and cookies and my PI's bag also had a mug and hot cocoa.
I also made cookie dough truffles for everyone in the lab(recipe can be found here).
Finally, I finished this pillow today and working on a second one right now. This was actually supposed to be a wall hanging with that block repeated but I was having the worst time getting to to work well. Instead I took two of the blocks, hand quilted them and made them into pillows. I think this one turned out pretty well, just need to finish the second one tonight before I leave tomorrow.
Of course if I had time, all my gifts would have been hand made this year, but alas I have almost been living at the lab for the past few weeks.